En Anakena Group Contamos con 2 modalidades de producciĆ³n:
AlimentaciĆ³n Transportada (Sistema Cook & Chill, a Granel y envasado de manera individual) , Nos permite entregar el servicio en aquellas empresas cuyos espacios son menores a los requeridos en Servicios de AlimentaciĆ³n Tradicional.
AlimentaciĆ³n In Situ, que consiste en la elaboraciĆ³n y servicio en las instalaciones de nuestros clientes que cuentan con los espacios suficientes para Cocinas de ProducciĆ³n.
En nuestras Plantas de AlimentaciĆ³n Cook&Chill ademĆ”s de contar con personal altamente capacitado, empleamos tecnologĆa de punta permitiĆ©ndonos asegurar la cadena de frĆo durante todo el proceso, desde la producciĆ³n hasta la distribuciĆ³n y entrega de nuestros servicios.
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צ××× × ××¢××”×× ××××Ø ×××× ×× ×” צ××× ×.
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ש××פש×× ×××Ø×× ×Ø××× ×× ×××××Ø ×©×¤××, ×××××Ŗ
צע××Ø×× ×©××פש×× ×××Ŗ×¤× ×§ ק×Ø×× ××××Ŗ ××הפ×Ø ×©×¢××Ŗ ××× ×ש×× ×××××××”×××Ø ×××, ×××××Ŗ ×× ××× ××× ××× ××× ××פׄ ××Ø××¢× ××ש×Ø ×× ××Ŗ.
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××Ŗ××× ××Ŗ ××××Ŗ×××Ŗ ××××§× ×פ××× ×¢× ×¤× ×× ×ש×פ××Ŗ.
I really like looking through an article that will make men and women think. Arthur Srygley
Hey, thanks for the blog post. Much thanks again. Want more. Devin Hattabaugh
A VPS can also be the suitable answer for a lot of industry organizations. Guillermo Claypole
I really like looking through a post that can make people think. Also, thanks for allowing for me to comment. Arnold Gerache
At this moment I am going to do my breakfast, afterward having my breakfast coming again to read further news. Casey Deniston
Leo your creativity has been and is a blessing to more than you know. Curtis Figura
××× ×××Øש×Ŗ ××××Ŗ× × ××××Ŗ ××××Ø×
××¢××Ŗ ×¢××”×ק ×¢×ק×Ø× ×××××Ø×Ŗ ×צ××××.
××××××Ŗ ××××Ø ××× × ×××Ø× ××Ŗ××§× ××¢××Ŗ ××Ŗק ש×
עש×Ø ×©× ×, ××××××Ŗ ××××Ø ××Ŗ××× ×××¢××Ø××Ŗ ק×× ××Ŗ ×××××××Ŗ ×©× ×Ø×××××,
××צ×Ø× ×ש×× ××¢××. ××ק×× ××××¢ ש×ש×××Ŗ ××פ×× ×××Ŗ ×××
×××× ×פ××ש ×××©× ×××××Ŗ, ש×Ŗ× ×¢×× ××Ŗ ××× ×, ×Ŗ×Ŗ××××”
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